Springs Fabrication was awarded the NIST VSANS (Very-Small-Angled-Neutron-Scattering) Chamber from our customer in support of their contract with the Neutron Research Lab at NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The vacuum chamber was completely processed, fabricated and tested at our facility. The 75-ft long completed chamber consisted of eleven individual 6061 aluminum chamber sections bolted together. All o-ring sealing surfaces were machined on our large horizontal boring mill utilizing a single set up. The chambers were mounted on concrete filled fabricated steel stanchions. The assembly process included thoroughly cleaning the chambers, bolting and sealing the chambers, inspection and testing activities. Inspection and testing activities included helium leak testing, rate of rise test, chamber floor deflection test and an overall straightness. Acceptance criteria achieved was deflection of the floor could not exceed a variance of more than .004 in. in any one chamber and overall straightness variance could not exceed .200 in. from end to end.